Love Yourself

Hey lovely people of the internet!Since V day is here and i see a lot of people complaining about not having a date or hate themselves for being single.

I know how it felt like when you started scrolling down tumblr and saw all of those cute couple photos and stuff.Then,you started daydreaming about your perfect boyfriend/girlfriend and how you wish you had one right now.

But honestly even if you keep daydreaming about it,it will never makes any difference.I am single my whole life so i know what you felt like.

Being single might seem depressing or sad but for me being single means you are a strongย  and an independent lady.

So,before you want to start loving others why not think a way to love yourself and put yourself as the number one priority ๐Ÿ™‚

How to Love Yourself :
1.Start each day by telling yourself something really positive.For example,how well you handle a certain situation,how lovely you look today…Anything that will make you smile.

2.Fill your body with food and drink that nourishes you and make you thrive.Its okay to eat chocolates or junk food once in awhile but stick to the healthy ones the most because you will thank yourself in the future.




3.Don’t believe anything you think.There is an inner critic inside of us trying to keep us small and save.The bad thing about it is it stops us from living a full life.So,always tell yourself something positive if you’re feeling down.

4.Surround yourself with people who love and encourage you.Let them remind how amazing you are.



5.Stop comparisons!!There is no one on this planet like you,so you cannot fairly compare yourself to someone else.You are unique in your own ways.The only person you should compare yourself with is you.

6.End all toxic relationships.Seriously.Anyone who makes you feel anything less than amazing dosen’t deserve to be part of your life.You deserve so much more than that.


7.Celebrate your wins no matter how small or big it is.Pat yourself on the back and be proud on what you have achieved.

8.Step outside your comfort zone and try something new.Find new skills and hobbies.Be BOLD and ADVANTUREOUS!!


9.Realize that beauty cannot be defined.Beauty can be based on your personality,skills,intelligence etc….it does not only depend on your features you know.

10.Take time to calm your mind everyday.Breath in and breath out.Distress yourself ๐Ÿ™‚


11.Follow your passion.Don’t be afraid to express yourself.Show to the world what you have to offer.Everyone has their own specialties and it needs a little time to find it.Just keep digging.You might find gold ๐Ÿ™‚

12.Treat others with love and respect.It makes you feel better about yourself when you treat others the way we hope to be treated.Do good and good will come to you.


13.Find something to be grateful for everyday.It is fine to have a bad day because you are a normal human being.It does mean that you are the worst human being on Earth.Itย  means that you are learning from your mistakes to be a better version of you.

14.Learn to say ‘No’.Saying ‘No’ sometimes dosen’t make you a bad person,it makes you a smart person because you know what are the things that are the best for you.


15.Forgive yourself.Look at it as learning experience and believe in your ability to change.No one is perfect and flawless in this world.Sometimes your eyes are being deceitful.Everyone has flaws.Remember that!

16.Write it down.Head swimming with so many thoughts will give you a headache.Don’t overthink about stuff too much.

17.Be REALISTIC!!There is no one on this Earth that is happy every single moments of every single day.You know why?Because we are all human and we make mistakes.We feel emotions and this is OK ๐Ÿ™‚


As a conclusion each and everyone of you must love yourself first before loving others.Find your own true self.

Do not let others define you and just do what you want to do.Do the things that you want not the things that the world wants you to become.

Being single does not mean that you are not worth it but it means that you are expensive and it needs a truly wonderful man/woman to be with you.

Be happy with who you are because happy woman are the most beautiful one.

Thank you for reading,

Lots of love,PetiteLady xxx


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